What container should I use for fermentation?
What container should I use for fermentation?
Glass is one of the best options for fermenting vegetables because it doesn’t scratch easily, nor does it contain chemicals such as BPA. Glass containers such as canning jars are relatively easy and inexpensive to obtain. Our Classic Sauerkraut Kit and Homemade Kimchi Kit come with quart-sized glass canning jars.
Can you ferment cabbage in a 5 gallon bucket?
Traditionally, kraut was fermented in large stoneware crocks. Unfortunately, these crocks are getting rare, and if you do find one, it will be expensive. Luckily, a food-grade plastic 5-gallon bucket will substitute for the crock.
Can ferment be done in plastic containers?
Excellent fermentation vessels are made from both glass and plastic, and you can ferment great beer in either material. Think about how you like to brew beer, and choose the option that best suits your process and lifestyle.
Can you ferment vegetables in plastic containers?
To recap: If you want to ferment in a plastic container, just make sure it is a Food Grade Plastic, is BPA-free, and was made to retain acidic liquids. There are buckets made for drinks fermentation (like beer and wine) that would be suitable for kimchi or any other vegetable fermentation.
Can you ferment cabbage in a plastic container?
Choose the right container to ferment the cabbage Food-grade plastic pails that are sturdy and rigid make excellent containers. You do not want to make sauerkraut in metal containers of any type or in plastic containers that were never intended for food use.
Can you ferment in normal jars?
Jars and Lids you should have plenty of good clean mason jars to ferment in. Try your best to choose the right sized jar for your recipe. Mason jars are a great standard to have in your cupboard, and will hold approximately 2 to 2.5 pounds of produce.
Can you ferment cabbage in plastic?
Can you make sauerkraut in a plastic tub?
Can You Make Sauerkraut in a Plastic Bucket? A plastic bucket is actually an excellent choice for sauerkraut if you don’t have the traditional earthenware container. Make sure your bucket is made of food-grade plastic, has a sturdy construction and rigid sides, and an air-tight lid.
Can you ferment in any jar?
To ferment the vegetables, choose any glass jar: jam jar, tomato sauce jar, or the traditional “Mason” or “Bernadin” type jars. The lids that come with these jars are either in one or two parts and often in metal. Be careful! Over time, these lids can rust.
Can I ferment cabbage in a plastic container?
Can I ferment in Tupperware?
In Summary While glass and ceramic are the preferred containers for fermenting and do have many advantages, there is no reason you can’t ferment nearly anything in plastic. Always make sure that you are using high-quality food-grade plastic, and make sure to properly clean and care for it.
Does sauerkraut need air to ferment?
The fermentation of sauerkraut is an anaerobic process. This means your mixture of sauerkraut needs to remain below the brine by using a fermentation weight of some sort. Even if you are using a lid with some type of airlock, your fermenting sauerkraut mixture still needs to be below the brine.