What does Wasichu mean in Native American?
What does Wasichu mean in Native American?
Wašíču is the Lakota and Dakota word for people of Western European descent. It expresses the indigenous population’s perception of the non-natives’ relationship with the land and the indigenous population. Typically it refers to white people but does not specifically mention skin color or race.
Is Wasicu derogatory?
Uhm, what is a wasicu? It’s a derogatory Lakota word for white person.
What are the Lakota colors?
These primary colors, as well as other colors, have significance—the four directions are represented by the following colors:
- Yellow: Stands for East, the direction of the sun.
- White: Stands for the North.
- Black: Stands for the West, where the sun sets.
- Red: Stands for South or the southern sky.
How do you say spirit in Lakota?
In Lakota spirituality, Wakan Tanka (Standard Lakota Orthography: Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka) is the term for the sacred or the divine. This is usually translated as the “Great Spirit” and occasionally as “Great Mystery”.
How do you say fat in Lakota?
wašíŋ en fat (n.)
What is the meaning of Hoka Hey?
Hoka Hey was Crazy Horse’s battle cry at Little Big Horn when his Sioux Lakota Indian tribe defeated General Custer. To the Indians, it meant this is a great day to die. They were ready to die for their family to preserve their way of life.
How do you say crazy in Lakota?
Witkotkoke (pronounced wit-coat’-koh-keh) is the Lakota word used for crazy. It actually literally means “foolish.” In it’s contracted form, it is spelled witko (pronounced wee-KO).
What does Wopila Tanka mean?
the Greatest of Thanks or Many Thanks
The children were equally thankful for their time with Jolly Ole Saint Nick and one Lakota boy exclaimed “Wopila Tanka Santa” which translates to mean “the Greatest of Thanks or Many Thanks” in his Lakota language. WOPILA TANKA!
Does Rosetta Stone have Lakota?
The Rosetta Project’s collection on the Internet Archive has records of the Lakota language in the form of three text excerpts: a description of where Lakota was historically spoken; a phonology, which uses a chart to characterize phonemes by linguistic traits; and an orthography, or explanation of the Lakota writing …
What does ska mean in Lakota?
Ska is the Lakota word for the color white.
How do you say love in Lakota?
A more common way to say “I love you” in Lakota Sioux is Tecihila (pronounced tay-chee-hee-lah), though, which means simply “I love you.” Or if you’re feeling more poetic, Cantecikiya (pronounced chawn-tay-chee-kee-yah), which means “my heart is inspired by you.” Iyakiciyuha isn’t all that romantic.