What describes reflex arc?

The reflex arc is a special type of neural circuit that begins with a sensory neuron at a receptor (e.g., a pain receptor in the fingertip) and ends with a motor neuron at an effector (e.g., a skeletal muscle).

What is the other name of reflex arc?

There are two types: autonomic reflex arc (affecting inner organs) and somatic reflex arc (affecting muscles). Autonomic reflexes sometimes involve the spinal cord and some somatic reflexes are mediated more by the brain than the spinal cord.

What words describe a reflex?


  • automatic.
  • habitual.
  • involuntary.
  • knee-jerk.
  • responsive.
  • spontaneous.
  • unthinking.

What are 5 components of the reflex arc?

FIGURE 7-1 A reflex arc contains five fundamental components: 1, a receptor; 2, a sensory neuron; 3, one or more synapses in the CNS; 4, a motor neuron; and 5, a target organ, usually a muscle.

Why is reflex arc important?

The reflex arc is essential in producing a quick involuntary response aimed to prevent injury in an individual.

What is reflex in simple terms?

A reflex is an involuntary (say: in-VAHL-un-ter-ee), or automatic, action that your body does in response to something — without you even having to think about it. You don’t decide to kick your leg, it just kicks.

How do you use reflex in a sentence?

Reflex in a Sentence ?

  1. Every time I brush, my gag reflex kicks in and I spontaneously heave.
  2. The drug dealer is always on high alert, with his immediate reflex being to run when he sees a police officer.
  3. The doctor tapped the patient’s knee with a hammer like device to see if he could get trigger a reflex.

What are the 4 parts to a reflex arc?

1 Answer. Receptor, afferent neuron, interneuron, efferent neuron and effector.

Why is the reflex arc important?