Does anyone have a Bacon number of 6?

It all started when three college friends, Brian Turtle, Mike Ginelli, and Craig Fass, were snowed in one night watching movies on TV. Footloose was followed by Quicksilver, with a commercial for a third Kevin Bacon movie coming on between the other two….The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Bacon Number # of people
4 253177
5 20060
6 2033
7 297

What is Tom Cruise’s Bacon number?

GREENE: Oh, yes, that famous line from “A Few Good Men,” which also starred Kevin Bacon. They were side by side. So that gives Tom Cruise a Bacon number of one.

What is Kevin Bacon’s Bacon number?

Kevin Bacon himself has a Bacon number of 0. Those actors who have worked directly with Kevin Bacon have a Bacon number of 1. If the lowest Bacon number of any actor with whom X has appeared in any movie is N, X’s Bacon number is N+1.

Where do you find your Bacon number?

Google wants to make playing “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” easier. The search engine has launched a new tool known as the Bacon number. By typing in any actor’s name followed by the words “Bacon number,” Google will tell you the degree of separation between that actor and Mr. Bacon.

Who has highest Bacon number?

“Using one of the actors with the highest known finite Bacon number (7), William Rufus Shafter as the centre of the acting universe instead of Bacon, we can find two actors with a Rufus Shafter number of 15.”

What is Jennifer Aniston’s Bacon number?

Kevin Bacon and Jennifer Aniston are a 1. Kevin Bacon and Charlie Chaplin are a 2. What does it all mean? It’s google’s new tool to tell you how many degrees of separation a celebrity is from Kevin Bacon.

What is Samuel Jackson’s Bacon number?

Samuel Jackson: 2. Christopher “Stabler” Meloni: 2. Eddie Murphy: 2. Rowdy Roddy Piper: 2.

Who has the highest Bacon number?

What is Hitler’s Bacon number?

Adolf Hitler has a Kevin Bacon number of 3. Pope John Paul II has a Kevin Bacon number of 4.