How do I file a complaint with the BBB in NC?
How do I file a complaint with the BBB in NC?
We are currently not accepting walk-in traffic. Please utilize the live chat box or email or phone for questions….BBB of Eastern North Carolina.
ph: | 2224-772 (919) |
fax: | 1224-772 (919) |
Does North Carolina have a Better Business Bureau?
About Us. BBB serving Eastern North Carolina helps people find and recommend businesses, brands, and charities they can trust in our 33-county service area.
Can the Better Business Bureau get your money back?
If a store does not properly post its return policy, you are entitled to a refund or credit (at your option) within 30 days of purchase, as long as you have a receipt or purchase verification and the merchandise is undamaged and unused. Their policy must be posted on a sign: attached to the item itself; or.
How do I find out about a business?
Conduct an Online Search
- The company’s Google My Business listing.
- Local business directories, such as Yelp and Angie’s List.
- Customer protection groups.
- Professional associations.
- Trade organizations.
- Job search websites.
- Commercial databases (e.g.: EIN Finder, Real Search and Melissa Data)
How can I check a company is legitimate?
Check the company’s website
- Check spelling and grammar.
- Check for a business address and landline number.
- Check for a Privacy Policy.
- Check for a company number.
- Check the WHOIS database.
How do I find if a business is legitimate?
Check out the company’s address, phone number, and website to make sure they look legitimate. Be aware, though, that it’s pretty easy for a company to get a fake address, phone number, and website. If you can, visit the company’s physical address and talk to the people who work there.