What happened to TV test patterns?

The Indian-head test pattern became obsolete in the 1960s with the debut of color television; from that point onward, an alternate test card of SMPTE color bars (and its immediate predecessors), or colorized versions of the NBC/CBS-derived “bullseye” patterns became the test card of choice.

What are the colored bars on TV?

These are officially called “SMPTE color bars.” SMPTE stands for The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, the organization that established the color bars as the North American video standard, beginning in the 1970s.

Why do color bars show on TV?

To simplify it, colour bars are used to help broadcast technicians test their equipment and signal synchronization to make sure that the screen colours reflect reality. We don’t want them looking drab on air! As you may know, on December 31, 2012, we switched from an analogue signal to digital.

Why is there an Indian on the test pattern?

The reason the man’s head was included in the test pattern was to allow the tuning of brightness and contrast settings, either by broadcast engineers to ensure broadcasts were being sent correctly, or by TV owners and repair shop technicians to ensure broadcasts were being received correctly.

Is the test card still used?

Test Card music had ceased to be frequently heard with the test card by the end of the 1980s, although it continued to be played over Pages from Ceefax until the termination of that service on 22 October 2012.

How do color bars work?

Color bars are an artificial electronic signal generated by the camera or by post production equipment. They are recorded at the head of a videotape to provide a consistent reference in post production. They are also used for matching the output of two cameras in a multi-camera shoot and to set up a video monitor.

Do the BBC still use the test card?

In recent years, the Test Card is only shown during engineering tests on the BBC and is accompanied by a steady tone of various pitches accompanied by a female talking clock.

What is a pattern test?

/ˈtest ˌpæt. ən/ (UK test card) a picture or pattern that is broadcast so that the quality of the television picture received can be examined and improved if necessary by using the controls on the equipment.

How old is the Test Card Girl now?

Now 57, Carole is an accomplished theatrical costume designer, and gave a radio interview in 2011 explaining how she came to be known as the infamous Test Card Girl.