Do you drop the y when adding ing?

RULE: Adding a consonant suffix does not change the spelling of a word. RULE: If a word ends in -y preceded by a consonant, change the y to -i, then add the suffix. (Also remember that the y is kept then adding -ing.) RULE: If a word ends in y preceded by a vowel, then the y is kept when a suffix is added.

What words can you add y to?


RULE ONE: For most words, simply add -Y to the base word. EXAMPLES: cloud – cloudy dirt – dirty
YOUR TURN: Type in the correct word for each blank.
mist + y -> 6. The day was a little and cold.
filth + y -> 7. Don’t drink that water!
trick + y -> 8. The end of that movie was very .

When a word ends in y change the y to i before adding a suffix?

The Y rule: When a root ends in y, change the y to i when adding a suffix (easy + est = easiest; happy + ness = happiness). Exceptions: Keep the y if a vowel comes before it (play + er = player; joy + ful = joyful).

What is the drop the y rule?

The best way to remember when to use this rule is to look at the letter that comes before the y in the word. If a vowel comes before the y, keep the y and add the sufx (play + ed = played). If a consonant comes before the y, change the y to i and add the sufx (carry + ed = carried).

What are some ing words?

Words That End With ING

  • bing.
  • ding.
  • king.
  • ling.
  • ping.
  • ring.
  • sing.
  • ting.

Why do we add ing to words for kids?

Year 1 – Adding ing. Adding ing teaches KS1 children how to adapt verbs into the present tense. This requirement is stated in the Year 1 spelling list set out in the National Curriculum. A verb is a doing word.

How do you use y in English?

When a word ends in a vowel plus “-y,” it’s usually easy to modify it by adding a letter (or letters): adding “-ous,” for example, means “joy” becomes “joyous.”…Plurals.

Singular Plural
Hippy Hippies

What is a 5 letter word ending in y?

5-letter words ending with Y

Abbay abbey
annoy anomy
antsy anury
apery appay
apply appuy

What is a 7 letter word ending with y?

7-letter words ending with Y

abbotcy abhenry
anagogy anality
analogy anarchy
Anatoly anatomy
anchovy Anerley

What’s that end with ing?