What are chalk pastels good for?

Uses of Chalk Pastels Chalk pastels are designed for impermanent art projects. They are normally used by children to practice their artistic skills. Chalk pastels are generally made out of inexpensive and low-quality pigments that can fade over time.

How do you make pastel chalk?


  1. Dissolve the binder in the water in the ratio 1:20 (one part binder to 20 parts water).
  2. Mix filler and pigment in the ratio 2:1 (two parts filler to one part pigment).
  3. Add the binder liquid to the filler/pigment slowly, until it has the consistency of dough or putty.
  4. Roll out and dry as described above.

What is the difference between chalk and chalk pastels?

Chalk pastels are a stick of compressed powder that’s designed to create thicker lines than standard sidewalk chalk. Chalk pastels tend to be made of limestone and gypsum or other dusty items that compress well into stick form.

Are chalk pastels erasable?

By some measures, chalk might be the ultimate art supply. It’s affordable, erasable, non-toxic, and it’s easy to use.

What kind of paper do you use for chalk pastels?

The most popular papers for general pastel and chalk drawing are colored, textured specialty pastel papers such as Strathmore Pure Tints and Canson Mi-Teintes. These textured surfaces typically have a fine, irregular texture pressed into the surface during manufacture.

What paper is best for chalk pastels?

The Artists’ Choice in Pastel Papers The most popular papers for general pastel and chalk drawing are colored, textured specialty pastel papers such as Strathmore Pure Tints and Canson Mi-Teintes. These textured surfaces typically have a fine, irregular texture pressed into the surface during manufacture.

Which is better oil or chalk pastels?

Soft pastels feel drier, whereas oil pastels can feel greasy, slick and waxy. Oil pastels have a tendency to be more durable and less likely to break and crumble. Pastels made with oils are non-siccative, which means that they never fully dry.

Can you use water with chalk pastels?

Chalk pastels alone are a really fun supply but when you mix pastels with water you are able to use them in a totally different way! While you cannot turn pastels into paint, they are actually water soluble which opens up a world of creative possibilities.

What is the difference between chalk pastels and oil pastels?

Soft Pastels (a.k.a Chalk Pastels) Soft or “French” pastels are much chalkier in consistency than oil pastels. They are made by combining dry pigments with binders and setting the formula into sticks. Kaolin clay is a popular binder for high quality artists’ pastels.

What is the best surface for pastels?

Textured paper is the most popular surface for pastels, but you can also use boards, canvas, and even sandpaper.