What are the 5 types of potential energy?

Systems of objects ranging from atoms to planets can be arranged in many ways, resulting in many forms of potential energy: chemical, elastic, electrical (electromagnetic), gravitational, nuclear, and thermal energy.

What are 5 kinetic and potential energy examples?

Difference Between Kinetic and Potential Energy

Sr.no Kinetic Energy Potential Energy
4. Flowing water is one of the examples of kinetic energy Water present at the top of a hill is an example of potential energy
5. It is relative with respect to nature It is non-relative with respect to nature

What are all the types of kinetic energy?

There are five types of kinetic energy: radiant, thermal, sound, electrical and mechanical.

What are examples of kinetic energy at home?

Examples of Kinetic Energy at Home This could be a cue ball rolling on a billiards table, a fan circulating air on a warm day, or glass shattering on the floor after it falls from the counter. Electrical devices that are turned on use kinetic energy as do people moving about the house.

What are the 6 types of potential energy?

There are six types of potential energy: mechanical energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, radiant energy, nuclear energy, and thermal energy. However, our primary focus here is potential chemical potential energy and gravitational potential energy.

What is the best example of kinetic energy?

Anything at home that moves is an example of kinetic energy. This could be a cue ball rolling on a billiards table, a fan circulating air on a warm day, or glass shattering on the floor after it falls from the counter. Electrical devices that are turned on use kinetic energy as do people moving about the house.

What is kinetic example?

Any object in motion is using kinetic energy: a person walking, a thrown baseball, a crumb falling from a table, and a charged particle in an electric field are all examples of kinetic energy at work.

What are the 7 types of potential energy?

Types of potential energy include:

  • Gravitational potential energy.
  • Chemical energy.
  • Nuclear energy.
  • Elastic potential energy, also called spring energy.
  • Electrical potential energy especially in a capacitor.

Which of the following is example of kinetic energy?

Detailed Solution. It is energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion. Example: A falling object, a speeding car, a rolling stone, a flying aircraft, flowing water, blowing wind, a running athlete etc.