Is Ba Sing Se a real city?
Is Ba Sing Se a real city?
While comparing the circumferential city of Baghdad to Ba Sing Se is a grand gesture from Avatar aficionados, there is no evidence that Ba Sing Se was actually inspired by that.
Where is Ba Sing Se in real life?
Beijing, China
Ba Sing Se’s design is probably based off of Beijing, China, in that there are several inner districts which host each separate social class, with the Royal Palace area being based upon the Forbidden City, and each outer district being reserved for each respective class in an organized class system.
What does Ba Sing Se mean in English?
Ba Sing Se means “Impenetrable City”; it is so named for its world-famous walls, the gates of which have no hinges or other hardware and are opened by the use of earthbending. Within the Outer Wall lies a large expanse of farmland, Lake Laogai, and several mountains. The Inner Wall encloses the city itself.
What happened to the Dai Li agents?
Despite the Dai Li betrayed the Earth King and helped Azula take over Ba Sing Se, they weren’t disbanded. They served the new ruler of Ba Sing Se; Hou-Ting, daughter of the Earth King Kuei.
What is the White Lotus Avatar?
The Order of the White Lotus, also known simply as the White Lotus, is an ancient and formerly secret society that transcends the boundaries of the four nations, seeking philosophy, beauty, and truth. They are devoted to sharing ancient knowledge across national and political divides.
What was Zuko’s name in Ba Sing?
In “The Deserter”, Zuko’s name was listed on a Fire Nation wanted poster as “祖寇” (zǔ kòu). In “The Tales of Ba Sing Se”, his name was written as “蘇科” (sū kè) on his segment’s title card.
Did Kyoshi create the Dai Lee?
Kyoshi founded the Dai Li and trained its initial members. The Dai Li was originally created by Avatar Kyoshi, sometime between 270 and 82 BG, to preserve the cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se in response to a peasant uprising against the government of the 46th Earth King.