What color is Zubenelgenubi?

Zubenelgenubi is not part of the Libra constellation outline but is within the borders of the constellation. Based on the spectral type (F3V) of the star, the Zubenelgenubi colour is yellow to white .

Is Zubeneschamali a green star?

Is Zubeneschamali a green star? The sun in extreme ultraviolet, with a false color green. Do stars look green? Scientists say no, but observers swear Zubeneschamali, in the constellation Libra the Scales, does look green.

How bright is Zubeneschamali?

2.61Beta Librae / Magnitude

What type of star is Zubeneschamali?

B8VBeta Librae / Spectral type

What color is Zubeneschamali?

Zubeneschamali, Beta Librae (β Lib), is a blue-white main sequence star located in the constellation Libra. With an apparent magnitude of 2.61, it is the brightest star in Libra, only barely outshining its neighbour Zubenelgenubi (Alpha Librae). Zubeneschamali lies at a distance of 185 light years from Earth.

How old is Zubenelgenubi?

2.61), Zubenelgenubi (Alpha Lib, mag. 2.741), Brachium (Sigma Lib, mag. 3.29), Upsilon Librae (mag. 3.628), Tau Librae (mag….Alpha1 Librae (Alpha Librae B)

Spectral class F3 V
Temperature 6,653 K
Metallicity -0.07 dex
Age 1.1 billion years (0.3 – 1.7 billion years)
Rotational velocity 5.95 km/s

What is the brightest star in Libra?

The stars of Libra are fairly faint with its brightest star, Zubeneschamali or Beta Librae (β Lib) —a blue dwarf star which is located 160 light-years from Earth — having a magnitude of 2.7.

How big is Zubeneschamali?

2.1191 million miBeta Librae / Radius

What color is alpha Librae?

The two brightest members of Alpha Librae are separated in the sky by an angular distance of 231″ (3’51”). The position angle of the companion is 314 degrees. The brighter of the two is a white star of spectral type A3, with an apparent magnitude of 2.8.

What color is Alpha Librae?

What powers do Libras have?

Libra: Libra allows balance-based abilities, such as Enhanced Dexterity, Enhanced Intelligence, Equality or Spiritual Meditation. Also Air Manipulation. Meditation may even evolve into Balance or Unity.