Whats the definition of impulses?
Whats the definition of impulses?
1 : a force that starts a body into motion. 2 : the motion produced by a starting force. 3 : a strong sudden desire to do something She resisted the impulse to shout.
What is the best definition of impulsive?
The definition of impulsive is to act or speak forcefully or quickly without planning. Someone quitting their job when they are upset is an example of an action that is impulsive. adjective. 1. Having the power of driving or impelling; giving an impulse; moving; impellent.
What does to act on impulse mean?
Impulsivity is the tendency to act without thinking, for example if you blurt something out, buy something you had not planned to, or run across the street without looking. To a degree, this kind of behavior is common, especially in children or teenagers, and isn’t necessarily a sign of trouble.
What is impulse in English literature?
impulse in British English 1. an impelling force or motion; thrust; impetus. 2. a sudden desire, whim, or inclination.
What are the three impulses?
Therefore, we conclude that nerve impulses appear to be an ensemble of three inseparable, interdependent, concurrent states: the physiological action potential, the APPulse and the CAP.
What are natural impulses?
an instinctive motive; “profound religious impulses” force or impel in an indicated direction; “I urged him to finish his studies”
What do you call an impulsive person?
synonyms: brainish, hotheaded, impetuous, madcap, tearaway incautious. lacking in caution. adjective. determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason. synonyms: capricious, whimsical arbitrary.
How are impulses transmitted?
When the nerve impulse reaches the end of the axon, there are some chemicals released from the neurotransmitters. They diffuse across the synaptic gap, which is the small space present between the axon and the receptors. Nerve impulses can be transmitted either by the electrical synapse or the chemical synapse.
How do impulses travel?
The impulse travels through the cell body and is carried through the axon to the end brush, a collection of fibers that extend off the axon. Here, the impulse triggers a release of chemicals that allow the impulse to travel through the synapse—the space between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of the next.
What is the synonym of impulse?
Some common synonyms of impulse are goad, incentive, inducement, motive, and spur. While all these words mean “a stimulus to action,” impulse suggests a driving power arising from personal temperament or constitution. buying on impulse.