What day do Georgia Tech Early Action decisions come out?

First-Year Admission Deadlines

Application Plan 2022 Application Deadline Decision Release
Early Action 1 Georgia Students Only Monday, October 18 December 11
Early Action 2 Non-Georgia Students Only Monday, November 1 January 29
Regular Decision Wednesday, January 5 March 5 (Georgia high schools only) March 25 (non-Georgia)

What time does Georgia Early Action come out?

2022 EA Application Update This morning the UGA Admissions Office announced that our Early Action decision release date would be Friday, November 19 in the late afternoon.

How long does it take to get a decision from Georgia Tech?

If you’re a Georgia student who applies by October 15, you will get your decision by mid-December. If you live outside of Georgia and apply by November 2, you’ll get your decision by early January.

When did Georgia Tech Early Action decisions come out 2019?

Jan. 18
Early Action admission notifications will be released at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 18. A total of 4,569 students have been admitted this round, out of 22,199 applications, for an overall admit rate of 21%.

Does Georgia Tech reject Early Action?

First-year applicants who receive this decision are not offered admission to Georgia Tech. If a student is denied in Early Action, they may not reapply in Regular Decision.

How does UGA notify acceptance?

This group of decisions is made up of only offers of admission, and if you were admitted, you will be able to see the decision on your Admission Status page (so only admitted students will see a decision change on their status page) and these admits will receive an email communication.

Has Georgia Tech Decisions come out?

Transfer admission decisions for applicants applying for Fall 2022 as part of a pathway program will be released on Friday, June 10.

How many people applied to Georgia Tech Early Action?

Georgia Tech only allows Georgia residents to apply via early action 1. In January 2022, the university admitted 2,399 EA1 applicants for a 39% acceptance rate. Students admitted via EA1 into the Class of 2026 hailed from 353 Georgia high schools, 95 counties, and 80% were from public high schools.

What percentage of deferred students are accepted at UGA?

Last year, 50% of the students who were deferred in Early Action AND completed Part II of the application were later admitted to UGA. 0% of the students who decide not to complete Part II of the application are accepted. Deferral is not a four letter word no more than it is a final decision.