Who regulates solar companies in Colorado?

The activities of Colorado’s power providers are regulated at the national level by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and at the state level by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC).

What does the Colorado Public Utilities Commission do?

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) serves the public interest by effectively regulating utilities and facilities so that the people of Colorado receive safe, reliable, and reasonably-priced services consistent with the economic, environmental and social values of our state.

Does Colorado allow Netmetering?

In 2004 Colorado voters passed the country’s first renewable energy standard by public ballot, allowing the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to adopt standards for net metering (accrediting the energy one’s solar panels produce) and interconnection with the grid in 2005.

What is a PUC number in Colorado?

Contact Information. Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Phone: 303-894-2000 | Permits and Insurance: 800-888-0170 (Outside Denver)

Who is responsible for solar panels?

the property owner (landlord) grants the installation company (tenant) a lease over their roof space (normally for 20 years) the tenant owns the panels, pays for their installation, connection and maintenance and receives the FITs income.

Does Colorado have a solar tax credit?

Colorado Utility or City Incentives Colorado no longer offers state tax credits for solar energy systems. This is largely because the costs of solar panels and inverters have dropped dramatically over the time. The affordability of home solar power is now better than ever.

Is Xcel Energy government owned?

Originally a subsidiary of Cities Service Company, it became an independent autonomous operation in November 1943. By this time, it served 80 percent of Colorado’s gas and electricity needs. As demand for energy continued to grow, so did PSCo.

Does Colorado have solar Netmeters?

Colorado net metering policy allows for solar energy customers to receive credits for the energy their solar panels generate – up to 200% of their electricity usage for the regulated utilities, such as Xcel Energy.

How do you read a net power meter?

the direction and rate of energy flow . Movement from left to right (arrow pointing right) indicates “delivered” kWh. The opposite indicates “received” kWh (excess generation). Display ID 02 represents the total received kWh (excess energy generated by the customer and exported to Eversource).

How do I file a complaint with the Colorado PUC?

by clicking the Colorado No-Call List Sign-up and clicking the Complaints button on that page or by going directly to the complaint site. or by calling 1-800-309-7041.