What is Biobor JF diesel Biocide?

Specifically recommended by diesel engine manufacturer’s operation manuals, Biobor JF kills and prevents microbial growth (algae, bacteria and fungi) to prevent clogged fuel filters, sludge accumulation and the corrosion issues that follow. Lubricity is also added to ULSD to protect injectors and fuel pumps.

What is Biobor used for?

Biobor products provide boaters a solution for the fuel issues faced in the marine environment. Ultra-low sulfur diesel and bio-blends plague the diesel vessel operator and the harmful effects of ethanol in gasoline are becoming more and more prevalent.

Does Biobor JF expire?

It is a violation of Hammonds quality standards and EPA regulations to remove Biobor®JF from its original packaging. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet for specific safety, handling and storage information. Shelf life is 3 years from date of manufacture.

What is Biobar?

The biobar project is a bioinformatics power-browsing toolbar for Firefox that provides access to major biological data resources from the comfort of your browser menus.

What are the two most common approved additives used in general aviation jet fuels?

Out of the nearly one dozen additives available for aviation fuels, including corrosion inhibitors, static dissipators and anti-oxidants, corporate pilots flying jet aircraft really have to concern themselves with only two additives: FSII and biocide.

What is the difference between JP 4 and JP-8?

JP-8 is formulated with an icing inhibitor, corrosion inhibitors, lubricants, and antistatic agents, and less benzene (a carcinogen) and less n-hexane (a neurotoxin) than JP-4. However, it also smells stronger than JP-4. JP-8 has an oily feel to the touch, while JP-4 feels more like a solvent.

What octane is jet fuel?

The octane ratings of AVGAS, a gasoline-based fuel, are usually either 91 or 100 (lean mixture) and 96 or 130 (rich mixture). The octane rating of jet fuel is much lower, around 15 – this is much more like automotive diesel and thus much more resistant to detonating due to sparks or compression.

Is JP-4 still used?

JP-4 was phased out by the U.S. Air Force, and was replaced with JP-8. The transition was finished by the fall of 1996, and was motivated by the desire to use less flammable, less hazardous fuel.

Can you run jet fuel in a diesel engine?

Conversely, Jet-A wouldn’t work in a gas engine. It would be like putting diesel fuel in your gas-powered car? it just won’t run. However, Jet-A could be used in diesel-engine vehicles, but it lacks some of the lubricants found in road diesel fuel.

What is the octane of diesel?

Diesel fuel has an octane rating of 25-40. Mixing 2% diesel fuel into gasoline will lower the overall octane rating by 1 point.