What grade is Saxon 8 7 for?
What grade is Saxon 8 7 for?
grade 7
Saxon Math 8/7 is designed for students in grade 7, or grade 8 students who are struggling with math.
What is Saxon Math for 8th grade?
Saxon Math 8/7 is a comprehensive middle school level course in arithmetic and geometry, as well as beginning algebra. The lessons teach new concepts gradually and continually review those already covered, so the student retains the skills learned in previous lessons.
Does Saxon Math have a placement test?
The math placement tests are only one tool used to place a student who is new to the Saxon Math program. You must also consider the student’s age, previous curriculum, and how quickly the student grasps math concepts.
Is Saxon math on grade level?
Saxon Math 8/7 is on-grade level for 7th grade and for an 8th grader who may need to take it at a slower pace. Algebra 1/2 is often taken by 8th graders. Algebra 1 is often taken by 8th or 9th graders.
What is the difference between Saxon 8 7 and Algebra 1 2?
The main difference between Algebra 1/2 and 8/7 is that the 8/7 has more foundational math like fractions, decimals, and percents. Algebra 1/2 has more pre-algebra concepts. Typically, students do not struggle with the algebra. It is usually fractions, decimals, and percents that trip them up.
Do schools still use Saxon Math?
Our understanding is that HMH has only discontinued the school versions. The homeschool sets will continue to be sold. After Saxon was sold to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, it became clear they did not understand nor support John Saxon’s unique teaching methods.
Is Saxon Math aligned to Common Core?
At the intermediate and middle grade levels, daily lessons introduce new concepts and skills, incorporating real-world problem solving and applications of mathematics. Saxon Math is aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
Is Saxon math above grade level?
Saxon Math Placement Guide. Saxon books are skill-level books, not grade-level books. It is essential that each student be placed in the text that meets his or her skill level.