When do you give Tamiflu CDC?

Oral oseltamivir is approved by the FDA for treatment of acute uncomplicated influenza within 2 days of illness onset with twice-daily dosing in people 14 days and older, and for chemoprophylaxis with once-daily dosing in people 1 year and older.

Which of the following antivirals does the CDC no longer recommend for flu due to resistance?

Resistance to adamantanes remains high among influenza A viruses currently circulating. Therefore, amantadine and rimantadine are not recommended for antiviral treatment or chemoprophylaxis of currently circulating influenza A virus strains.

Who needs Tamiflu prophylaxis?

Tamiflu is used to treat people 2 weeks of age and older who have the flu (influenza A and B viruses). Tamiflu is also sometimes used for prevention (prophylaxis) of the flu in people 1 year of age and older, but it is not a substitute for getting the flu vaccine.

Is Tamiflu prophylaxis recommended?

Standard Dosage – Prophylaxis of Influenza Adults and Adolescents The recommended oral dose of TAMIFLU for prophylaxis of influenza in adults and adolescents 13 years and older following close contact with an infected individual is 75 mg once daily for at least 10 days. Therapy should begin within 2 days of exposure.

Can you take Tamiflu after 4 days of symptoms?

Tamiflu is good at its job, but it’s best when you take it at the optimal time: within 48 hours of your first flu symptoms. Some healthcare providers won’t prescribe Tamiflu if you’ve had symptoms for longer than 48 hours since it won’t be as helpful in those cases.

Should you take Tamiflu if exposed to the flu?

For patients taking oseltamivir for the prevention of flu after an exposure: The medicine should be taken within 2 days of being exposed to the flu. This medicine should be taken for at least 10 days. You may take this medicine with meals or on an empty stomach.

Should I take Tamiflu if exposed to flu?

When is Tamiflu most effective?

Most flu researchers agree on the basics β€” that Tamiflu will reduce symptoms, like stuffy nose, sore throat, fever and tiredness, which is something many over-the-counter medications do too. β€œThe most efficacy is received when treatment starts within 48 hours after symptoms start to appear.”

Should you take Tamiflu if a family member has the flu?

The CDC advises it’s OK to give Tamiflu healthy patients. If someone in your family is sick with the flu but you’re not, a doctor might prescribe a lower dose of an antiviral to help protect you.

Should I take Tamiflu if my husband has the flu?

Yes, you can. Tamiflu, also known as oseltamivir, is a medicine that can be taken to prevent getting the flu if you have been exposed to it but do not yet have symptoms.

Is it OK to take Tamiflu without the flu?

Dr. Chittick says there is no benefit to taking Tamiflu if you don’t have influenza. He explained taking antibiotics or antiviral drugs unnecessarily could lead to bacteria and viruses becoming more resistant.

When is too late for Tamiflu?