What chords can an autoharp play?

12-chord autoharps (no longer made) could play songs in F, C, and G. Standard 15-chord autoharps add the ability to play songs in Bb, F, C, G, and D. Standard 21-chord autoharps can play songs in Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, and A.

How many chords does an autoharp have?

Standard models have 12, 15 or 21 chord bars available, providing a selection of major, minor, and dominant seventh chords.

How much is an autoharp worth?

The Chromaharp costs $320 on Amazon and is a good value for a beginner’s autoharp. If you are tentative about investing in a $400+ Oscar Shmidt autoharp, then the Chromaharp is an extremely viable option.

What chords are on a 15th autoharp?

Chords included: majors (C, D, Eb, F, G, Bb), minors (D, A, G), and sevenths (C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, A7). Includes: tuning wrench, flat pick, thumb pick, two finger picks. Gig bag sold separately.

What key is autoharp in?

The mid-octave range of the chromatic autoharp starts at F, which is the lowest bass note, and then ranging to C at its highest treble note. Additionally, the mid-octave range is where most all arrangements are developed.

Can you play any song on autoharp?

Yes, the autoharp is a wonderful instrument! You can play many different styles of music in many settings. The autoharp is likely inspire you to do things you’ve never done. It made me start singing and playing for others, and inspired me to write songs.

How long do autoharp strings last?

about 3 years
After 24 hours the autoharp can be tuned up to pitch again and if you performed all the steps correctly and your autoharp is in good working order, you should be good to go for about 3 years or so.

What is the difference between an autoharp and a Chromaharp?

The big difference between the 2 companies really is that Chromaharps are entirely made of maple, whether Autoharps are usually made with a mix of spruce and maple.

Is it hard to play autoharp?

The Autoharp Is A Real Musical Instrument! Perhaps one of the reasons you decided to learn to play the autoharp is because it’s EASY. Well, that’s certainly true! Once you get it tuned, you can pick up the autoharp, make some pretty chords and strum along with your singing on simple songs after only a few minutes.

What notes are the strings on an autoharp?

The typical autoharp has 36 or 37 strings with a pitch range of 3 octaves plus a fifth interval. For example, the standard chromatic autoharp starts on F for the lowest note and ranges to C at the highest note. The “middle” octave is the principal melody octave around which most arrangements are built.

Is learning autoharp hard?

Essentially, the player presses the chord button, strums the strings and gets the intended chord. The relative simplicity of it is what makes it such an easy instrument to learn to play.