What is a tentpole in film?
What is a tentpole in film?
Definition of tentpole : a big-budget movie whose earnings are expected to compensate the studio for its less profitable movies.
What is a tentpole media?
Tentpole marketing is about centring your promotional activities around big events. The term was first coined in Hollywood to describe the hype surrounding popular movies, as interest levels peak over opening weekend.
What is tentpole strategy?
Tentpole marketing is a strategy devised by most artists, movies, and media production companies to seize the hype created around an event – a trend, or a moment in a manner that benefits them. The concept of tentpole marketing is similar beyond the movie industry as well.
What is the difference between blockbuster and tentpole?
The box office success of blockbuster films may or may not be expected. It’s simply a function of the marketplace. The tentpole movie is as close to a sure fire hit that can reasonably be predicted by various parameters such as similar films, talent, release date, theme and audience.
Is Harry Potter a tentpole movie?
Typically slotted in the two big box office season — November throug December (holidays) and May through July (summer) — tentpole movies are often based upon pre-existing literary material (e.g., Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Iron Man, Spiderman) or pre-existing original movies (e.g., Star Wars, Indiana Jones).
What is synergy in the film industry?
Synergy refers to where two or more products or organizations help each other, for example, the role of Disney’s various arms (studios, TV) in promoting and selling Captain Marvell. Convergence is the interconnection between media, technology and communication, which often relies on digital technology.
What are tentpole events?
A Tentpole event can be any event that your customers and prospective customers identify with and rally around in some way. Your job as a marketer is the leverage the Tentpole event to drive awareness and marketing goals for your business.
What is synergy in media?
Synergy is when two or more media institutions work together to create a consistent image and/or brand for a single product. Media Convergence is similar to Synergy in that is involves two or more media institutions.
What is synergy and convergence?
Synergy basically means working together to achieve an objective that couldn’t be achieved independently. Cross-media convergence can help with synergy if companies are wise enough to take advantage of the links they have forged.
What is synergy in media examples?
Disney is an obvious example of a synergistic company from the top down from Film Studio to Kids’ TV Channel (where it further plays and promotes its films) to the Disney Store (in the street and online) where your kids can pester you to buy all the merchandise and DVDs/CDs they’ve seen on the TV/Web or in the cinema.