What is the best treatment for chikungunya?


  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Drink fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • Take medicine such as acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or paracetamol to reduce fever and pain.
  • Do not take aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) until dengue can be ruled out to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Which is the best medicine for chicken chikungunya?

There are no specific drugs to treat chikungunya; doctors simply recommend rest and plenty of fluids. Over-the-counter medications will help ease fever and joint pain. These include: naproxen.

What is the fastest way to recover from chikungunya joint pain?

Panchkarma is an Ayurvedic Detoxification Therapy and is very effective in managing Chikungunya Arthritis. It includes massage through specialised medicated oils. It gives quick improvement in joint pains.

Is there any treatment for chikungunya?

Treatment. There is no specific antiviral drug treatment for chikungunya. The clinical management targets primarily to relieving the symptoms, including the joint pain using anti-pyretics, optimal analgesics, drinking plenty of fluids and general rest.

How long does chikungunya joint pain last?

Although acute symptoms associated with the chikungunya virus typically disappear within 7 to 10 days, studies have reported persistent joint pain in 30% to 70% of patients many months or years after the initial infection.

How do you get rid of joint pain from chikungunya?

Perform low-impact aerobic exercise invloving stretching and slow movements to relieve the chronic joint pain. Light massage of joints with coconut oil may provide relief in joint pain. Apply an ice pack wrapped in a small hand towel over the joint for a while to reduce inflammation and pain.

Can a person get chikungunya twice?

Can you get chikungunya twice? No, only once. Antibodies in charge of protecting people will develop after preliminary infection. According to current available evidence, immunity should be life-long.

Is walking good for joint pain?

Walking is the best way to begin the transition from inactivity to activity—even if you have arthritis in a weight-bearing joint like your knee or hip. Walking is a low-impact activity that can help relieve arthritis pain, stiffness, and swelling, but that’s not the only reason walking can be a great form of exercise.

How long does chikungunya pain last?

Most people recover fully, with symptoms resolving in three to 10 days. For some people, joint pain may continue for months, or even years. Death from complications of chikungunya is very rare, but the virus sometimes causes severe problems, mostly in older adults with other chronic illnesses.