How do I get to the desktop folder in terminal?

Often when opening the command prompt window, you automatically be placed in the (username) directory. Therefore, you only need to type cd desktop to get into the desktop. If you’re in any other directory, you would need to type cd \docu~1\(username)\desktop to get into the desktop.

How do I change the home directory in Ubuntu?

Change default directory during user creation However, if you want to set the default home folder of new user when you create it, then you need to use useradd command. Here is an example to change user ubuntu’s default folder to /home/data instead of /home/ubuntu. That’s it.

How do I go to Desktop in Ubuntu?

Super+D or Ctrl+Alt+D: Show desktop.

How do I switch to Desktop in Linux?

How to Switch Between Desktop Environments. Log out of your Linux desktop after installing another desktop environment. When you see the login screen, click the Session menu and select your preferred desktop environment. You can adjust this option each time you log in to choose your preferred desktop environment.

How do I go to desktop in Ubuntu?

How do I open a desktop folder in Ubuntu?

6 Ways to Open Folders in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

  1. Open a Folder In the File Manager (Nautilus)
  2. Search and Open a Folder through the Dash.
  3. Access a folder In the command line (Terminal)
  4. Open a folder in the Terminal through the File Manager.
  5. Open a folder in the File Manager through the command line.

How do I change directories in Linux command line?

How to change directory in Linux terminal

  1. To return to the home directory immediately, use cd ~ OR cd.
  2. To change into the root directory of Linux file system, use cd / .
  3. To go into the root user directory, run cd /root/ as root user.
  4. To navigate up one directory level up, use cd ..

How do I change my home directory?

You can use the usermod command to change the default home directory for a user. What this command does is edit the file /etc/passwd. Opening /etc/passwd you will find there is a line for every user, including system users (mysql, posftix, etc), with seven fields per line denoted by colons.