How many blood donors are CMV negative?
How many blood donors are CMV negative?
Regular testing is conducted on blood donations to check for CMV antibodies. Because CMV exposure is so prevalent, CMV negative blood is very special. If up to 85% of adults in the US have been exposed by age 40, that means only 15% of the population has CMV negative blood – a very special group indeed.
How common is O negative CMV negative blood?
Type O negative blood donors provide the universal blood type most often used in emergency situations. This blood type is not common – less than 8% of the population has it. But there is an even rarer donor needed to help save newborn infants.
What does CMV negative donor mean?
If the donor sperm recipient has never been exposed to CMV, her status should be negative. This means she does not have the antibodies and resistance to the virus. In order to reduce the risk of infection to her unborn child, she may want to select a sperm donor whose CMV status is also negative.
What of blood donors have CMV?
Combined CMV IgG and CMV IgM antibodies were detected in 9 (2.6%) blood donors (Table 2). Analyses of the distribution of CMV IgG seropositivity with age showed blood donors aged 20-29 years had the highest CMV IgG seroprevalence, 40.4% closely followed by those aged 30-39 years with 40.1%.
What percentage of population is CMV positive?
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a human herpesvirus which is prevalent worldwide with an estimated seroprevalence of 45% to 100% in the general population [1].
Does the Red Cross tell you if you are CMV negative?
Edit: For CMV negative donors, Power Red is what’s most commonly used for babies. As long as your donor profile reflects your CMV negative status, that’s where your donation will be sent. It can’t hurt to check with the staff during your intake exam to be sure, though. Thank you!
Can O positive blood be CMV negative?
Type O-Positive O-positive blood is considered to be the most common blood type. O-positive, CMV (cytomegalovirus)-negative blood is the safest blood for transfusions for immune-deficient newborns. O-positive is often given to trauma patients when massive volumes of blood are needed to keep a patient alive.
What percentage of people are CMV positive?
More than half of adults have had a CMV infection by the time they are 40 years old, and about 1 to 4 in 100 people (1 to 4 percent) get infected with CMV for the first time during pregnancy. You can pass CMV to your baby at any time during pregnancy.
Does CMV show up in blood work?
CMV infection is a disease caused by a type of herpes virus. The CMV blood test is performed to detect current active CMV infection, or past CMV infection in people who are at risk for reactivation of infection. These people include organ transplant recipients and those with a suppressed immune system.
Can a person with CMV donate blood?
As with other viruses, once someone has had CMV, their body retains the antibodies. CMV is generally harmless to adults, but can be fatal to babies. For this reason, babies needing transfusions as part of their medical care should only receive blood from donors who have not been exposed to CMV (CMV negative).