What is input type image in HTML?

The defines an image as a submit button. The path to the image is specified in the src attribute.

What is value attribute in input tag?

The value attribute specifies the value of an element. The value attribute is used differently for different input types: For “button”, “reset”, and “submit” – it defines the text on the button. For “text”, “password”, and “hidden” – it defines the initial (default) value of the input field.

What are the input type attributes?

Input type: range max – specifies the maximum value allowed. min – specifies the minimum value allowed. step – specifies the legal number intervals. value – Specifies the default value.

What are the various values of type attribute of input tag in HTML?


Attribute Type or Types Description
maxlength password, search, tel, text, url Maximum length (number of characters) of value
min numeric types Minimum value
minlength password, search, tel, text, url Minimum length (number of characters) of value
multiple email, file Boolean. Whether to allow multiple values

What are the attributes of input type image?

In addition to the attributes shared by all elements, image button inputs support the following attributes.

  • alt.
  • formaction.
  • formenctype.
  • formmethod.
  • formnovalidate.
  • formtarget.
  • height.
  • src.

Does input have value attribute?

The value attribute for element in HTML is used to specify the initial value of the input element. It has different meaning for different input type: The “button”, “reset” and “submit” property specifies the text on the button.

How do I cite an image in HTML?

What is input type in HTML?

The tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data. The element is the most important form element. The element can be displayed in several ways, depending on the type attribute.

What is the correct HTML for inserting an image?

The tag is used to embed an image in an HTML page. Images are not technically inserted into a web page; images are linked to web pages. The tag creates a holding space for the referenced image.

How many types attribute in HTML?

HTML attributes are generally classified as required attributes, optional attributes, standard attributes, and event attributes: Usually the required and optional attributes modify specific HTML elements. While the standard attributes can be applied to most HTML elements.

What is a type attribute in HTML?

Definition and Usage The type attribute specifies the Internet media type (formerly known as MIME type) of the tag</b>. The type attribute identifies the content between the <style> and tags. The default value is “text/css”, which indicates that the content is CSS.