What is pro sociality?

Prosociality refers to behaviours that are intended to benefit others. This definition appears to be so straightforward that it hardly bears mentioning: like certain forms of adult entertainment, we know it when we see it.

What is peer competition?

Peer competition is a form of social interaction in. which at least two organisms of a peer group strive. to obtain a limited resource or achieve a certain. goal.

What is contingent reciprocity?

Definition. The contingent relationship between acts of giving and receiving among social partners.

Is peer and competitor same?

Peer groups refer to companies that are in the same industry or sector. These are competitors that are roughly the same size.

What does it mean to be someone’s peer?

1 : one that is of equal standing with another : equal The band mates welcomed the new member as a peer. especially : one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status teenagers spending time with their peers.

What is another word for prosocial behavior?

What is another word for prosocial behavior?

philanthropy altruism
good works helping hand
prosocial behaviourUK selflessness
humanity self-denial

What is peer company?

The term peer group refers to a group of individuals or companies that share similar characteristics with one another. These characteristics may be age, education, ethnic background, size, industry, or sector.

What is the synonym for peer?

equal, fellow, co-worker, match, like, rival. confrère. rare compeer, co-equal. 3’he looks older than his peers’

What is the difference between peers and colleagues?

A colleague is someone you work with, even if you don’t share the same job responsibilities. However, a peer is someone you either work with or know who shares the same status, skills or other unifying attributes or position.