What is WSHttpBinding in WCF?

In this article The wsHttp sample demonstrates how to implement a typical service and a typical client using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). This sample consists of a client console program (client.exe) and a service library hosted by Internet Information Services (IIS).

How to secure WCF service c#?

To secure an application that runs exclusively on a Windows domain, you can use the default security settings of either the WSHttpBinding or the NetTcpBinding binding. By default, anyone on the same Windows domain can access WCF services. Because those users have logged on to the network, they are trusted.

What is WCF message security?

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a SOAP message-based distributed programming platform, and securing messages between clients and services is essential to protecting data.

Why WCF is more secure?

WCF provides a lot more security by providing a lot more capabilities and options out of the box: it supports not only transport security (using SSL and https to secure your link, like ASMX) but also supports message encryption, and messages are by default encrypted and digitally signed.

What is the difference between Httpbindings and Wshttpbindings?

Primarily BasicHttpBinding is designed to exchange SOAP over HTTP(s) only, just like old ASMX or . net web services and supports the WS-I BasicProfile. WsHttpBinding supports the advanced WS-* specification which includes WS-Addressing and WS-Security etc.

What is Clientcredentialtype in WCF?

The client credentials are used once before the first message is sent, using the WCF client instance to establish a security context. All application messages are then secured through the security context. The client credentials are used to authenticate every application message sent to the service.

How do you authenticate in WCF?

  1. Authentication and Authorization.
  2. Step 1: Create a WCF Service Application:
  3. Step 2: Add an AuthenticationService.
  4. Step 3: Create User Validator class.
  5. Step 4: Enable Custom Authentication in Global.asax.
  6. Step 5: Return a Cookie if valid user.
  7. Step 6: Modify the service configuration.

Is WCF encrypted?

By default, WCF does not encrypt the Action value but signs it if message security is used. Therefore, this information is available to all intermediaries, but no one can change it.

What is WCF transaction?

A transaction in WCF is a set of operations that follow some properties, collectively known as ACID. Here, if a single operation fails, the entire system fails automatically. When an order is placed online, a transaction takes place.

Is Web API better than WCF?

WEB API is a better choice for simpler, light weight services. WEB API can use any text format including XML and is faster than WCF. WEB API can be used to create full-blown REST Services. WEB API doesn’t require any data contracts and doesn’t require configurations to the level of WCF.

Which is best Web API or WCF?

Web API is considered the best choice over WCF because of the following reasons: Web API uses all features of HTTP such as URIs, request/response headers, caching, versioning, various content formats, etc. One does not have to define or explain any extra config setting for different devices in Web API.