What is in vitro and in vivo dissolution?

Generally the in vitro property is the rate or extent of drug dissolution or release, while the in vivo response is the plasma drug concentration or amount absorbed (FDA, 1997). An important objective of pharmaceutical product development is to gain better understanding of the in vitro and in vivo drug performances.

What is in vivo dissolution profile?

In Vivo Dissolution Assessment Profiles obtained after oral administration of a solution are a function of the same functions with the exception of in vivo dissolution as the drug is already dissolved.

How many levels of in vitro in vivo correlation are there?

Levels of IVIVC. There are three primary IVIVC categories, known as Levels A, B, and C. There is also a subcategory known as multiple Level C correlation. Level A is the most common type of IVIVC and historically used primarily for NDAs and investigational new drug (IND) applications.

How is in vitro in vivo correlation useful in the development of drug product?

In vitro – in vivo correlation (IVIVC) allows prediction of the in vivo performance of a pharmaceutical product based on its in vitro drug release profiles and can be used to optimize formulations, set dissolution limits, reduce the number of bioequivalence studies during product development, and facilitate certain …

What is the difference between in vivo and in vitro?

The etymological origins of in vivo and in vitro come from Latin; in vivo describes something “within a living organism” while in vitro describes something “in glass” such as a test tube or petri dish.

Why is in vitro testing for dissolution important?

In vitro dissolution/release tests are an important tool to not only ensure product quality and performance, but also assist in product development and regulatory processes of the nanoparticulate delivery systems.

What is f2 calculation for dissolution?

The factor f1 is proportional to the average difference between the two profiles, where as factor f2 is inversely proportional to the average squared difference between the two profiles, with emphasis on the larger difference among all the time-points. The factor f2 measures the closeness between the two profiles.

What is the difference between in vitro and in vivo?

What is the importance of dissolution in IVIVC?

In vitro dissolution testing is important for (1) providing process control and quality assurance, (2) determining stable release characteristics of the product over time; and (3) facilitating certain regulatory determinations (e.g., absence of effect of minor formulation changes or of change in manufacturing site on …

How do I establish IVIVC?

The most commonly seen process for developing a Level A IVIVC is to (1) develop formulations with different release rates, such as slow, medium, fast, or a single release rate if dissolution is condition independent; (2) obtain in vitro dissolution profiles and in vivo plasma concentration profiles for these …