How do you fix your request failed ensure your payment method info is correct or add a new payment method to your Google Account learn more or Ccseh 05?

How to Fix Payment Error Code “OR-CCSEH-05” using Google Pay

  1. Solution #1 – Check Your Payment Information.
  2. Solution #2 – Verify Your Account on Google Pay.
  3. Solution #3 – Use a Virtual Card.
  4. Solution # 4 – Contact Google Pay or Google Play Support.

How do I activate payment method on Google Play?

Payment methods on Android

  1. Open the Google Play Store app.
  2. Tap Menu > Account > Add payment method.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions.
  4. The new payment method will be added to your Google account.

Why can’t I add a payment method to play store?

If you see a greyed out payment method while making a purchase on Google Play, that payment method isn’t valid for that particular purchase. Use a different payment method to complete your purchase.

Why can’t I add a card to Google pay?

Check that your card address matches the address in Google Payments. If your credit card is registered to a different address that can cause the payment to be declined. Check the zip code matches your current address.

How do I add a payment method to my Google account?

How to add a payment method to your Google Play account

  1. Open the Google Play app .
  2. At the top right, tap the profile icon.
  3. Tap Payments & subscriptions Payment methods. Add payment method.
  4. Choose the payment method you want to add.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

How can I add payment method to my Google Account?

Why is Google rejecting my card?

Your card can get declined for many reasons: Mistake with the card number: Enter your card number again. Expired credit card: If your card isn’t expired, make sure to enter the right date. Mistake with the security code: Double-check the code and enter it again.

Why can’t I add a card to Google Play?

Check that your card address matches the address in Google Payments. If your credit card is registered to a different address that can cause the payment to be declined. Check the zip code matches your current address. Sign in to with your Google Account.

Why can’t I pay with Google Pay?

Google Pay might not work in stores with phones that: Run developer versions of Android. Are rooted, run a custom ROM, or have modified factory software. Due to security risks, Google Pay doesn’t run on these phones.