What should I write in my boyfriends Post?

Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

  1. I love you for everything you are.
  2. I feel so safe with your arms around me.
  3. I can’t stop smiling around you. You make me so happy.
  4. I crave you more than pizza.
  5. I love your _____.
  6. You’re more than my boyfriend.
  7. Every day is an adventure with you.
  8. I’d do anything to see you smile.

What can I write in my boyfriends picture?

Heartfelt Captions About Your Boy Friend

  • Be my partner in crime.
  • Everything I’ve never done, I want to do with you.
  • Give me long hugs, always.
  • He calls me beautiful like it’s my name.
  • He makes you smile so much your cheeks hurt.
  • He’s like a song she can’t get out of her head.

What can I say to my boyfriend to make his heart melt?

You’re my whole world.

  • I’d be lost without you.
  • Just wanted you to know I’m thinking about you right now.
  • I wish I was in your arms.
  • I love you more than you will ever know.
  • You make my heart beat out of my chest.
  • I’m getting butterflies just thinking about seeing you later.
  • I feel so safe when I’m with you.
  • How can I make my boyfriend miss me like crazy?

    How To Make Him Miss You

    1. Reduce your contact with him.
    2. Don’t respond to him immediately.
    3. Leave him wanting more.
    4. Don’t drop other things for him.
    5. Start living for you.
    6. Make the most of this time with your friends and family.
    7. Surprise him.
    8. Leave him reminders of you.

    How do I hype my boyfriend?

    Compliment his appearance

    1. You are so handsome.
    2. I love everything about you.
    3. You smell amazing!
    4. I get lost in your eyes.
    5. Your hair looks so soft.
    6. Your smile makes me melt.
    7. Wow, you’re so strong!
    8. Those arms look like they could protect me.

    How can I make my boyfriend flatter?

    It’s always nice to be complimented – especially by your other half….Compliment his appearance

    1. You are so handsome.
    2. I love everything about you.
    3. You smell amazing!
    4. I get lost in your eyes.
    5. Your hair looks so soft.
    6. Your smile makes me melt.
    7. Wow, you’re so strong!
    8. Those arms look like they could protect me.