What is miscegenation in sociology?

miscegenation, marriage or cohabitation by persons of different race.

What is miscegenation quizlet?

Miscegenation Laws. – Term invented in 1864. Before it was called “amalgamation” (forging of two different kinds of metal) – Connected to marriage and illegal sex. – More common to ban marriage between blacks and whites in North and South.

What is a synonym for miscegenation?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for miscegenation. intermarriage, mixed marriage, remarriage.

When was miscegenation coined?

The term “miscegenation” was coined in an 1864 pamphlet by an anonymous author. In 1864, a pamphlet entitled “Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro” began to circulate on the streets of New York.

What do you call a couple with two different races?

Interracial marriage is a marriage involving spouses who belong to different races or racialized ethnicities. In the past, such marriages were outlawed in the United States, Nazi Germany and apartheid-era South Africa as miscegenation.

What is miscegenation in Othello?

Therefore “to include” a miscegenated child “in the nation [England] would be to break the desired homology between land, skin, and group identity, thereby overturning the associations of England with whiteness and fairness” (Hall 12).

When was interracial marriage legal in Washington state?

Laws repealed through 1887

State First law passed Law repealed
Ohio 1861 1887
Pennsylvania 1725 1780
Rhode Island 1798 1881
Washington 1855 1868

In which of the following areas are extended families most common?

Extended families are more common in Canada, Australia, and Western Europe, while nuclear families are more common in Eastern Europe, Africa, and Central America. In the United States, extended families are more common in lower income households, in rural areas, and among recent migrants and minorities.