How do you cite the National Reading Panel report?

Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education. National Reading Panel. (2000) Report of the National Reading Panel–Teaching Children to Read: An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and Its Implications for Reading Instruction.

What were the major findings of the National Reading Panel?

Findings of the National Reading Panel

  • Phonemic awareness.
  • Phonics skills.
  • The ability to read words in text in an accurate and fluent manner.
  • The ability to apply comprehension strategies consciously and deliberately as they read.

What does the report of the National Reading Panel really tell us about teaching phonics?

The meta-analysis revealed that systematic phonics instruction produces significant benefits for students in kindergarten through 6th grade and for children having difficulty learning to read. The ability to read and spell words was enhanced in kindergartners who received systematic beginning phonics instruction.

Who asked the Nichd to set up the National Reading Panel?

Overview. In 1997, Congress asked NICHD, through its Child Development and Behavior Branch, to work with the U.S. Department of Education in establishing a National Reading Panel that would evaluate existing research and evidence to find the best ways of teaching children to read.

When was the National Reading Panel report published?

Since it first appeared, the National Reading Panel Report (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [NICHD], 2000) has been translated into various summary documents, educational policies, and designs for curriculum materials.

What is National Reading Panel 2000?

The panel determined that effective reading instruction includes teaching children to break apart and manipulate the sounds in words (phonemic awareness), teaching them that these sounds are represented by letters that can be blended together to form words (phonics), having them practice what they’ve learned by reading …

What are the 5 areas of essential reading instruction according to the National Reading Panel?

The National Reading Panel identified five key concepts at the core of every effective reading instruction program: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.

What are the 6 reading strategies?

The “Super Six” comprehension strategies

  • Making Connections.
  • Predicting.
  • Questioning.
  • Monitoring.
  • Visualising.
  • Summarising.

Who mandated the NRP report?

Establishment of the National Reading Panel In response to this Congressional request, the Director of NICHD, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, constituted and charged a National Reading Panel (the NRP or the Panel).

What precedent was set by the National Reading Panel in 2000?

Q. What precedent was set by the National Reading Panel in 2000? Q. The Reading First Initiative used coherent instructional design to encourage the use of scientifically based research as the foundation of reading instruction for kindergarten through 3rd grade.