How long do Puffco Peak Pro atomizers last?

Purchasers should note that atomizers are replaceable parts with an expected life of 1 – 3 months, depending on usage, and they require regular cleaning to maintain functionality.

Is the Puffco Peak Pro atomizer different?

The vapor quality of the Puffco Peak Pro is great. The atomizer can handle more concentrate than the Peak, as the bowl is 40% larger. The original Peak had a problem with large loads, but the Pro has no trouble at all with the new atomizer.

When should I replace my Puffco Pro atomizer?

Most wax atomizers Coil will need to be replaced within 1-4 weeks and can last up to 12 weeks. This number depends on how often you vape, and the temperature you choose. Many of us who vape constantly at high temperatures will need to replace their atomizer more frequently.

How often should I clean my Puffco Peak Pro?

How Often Should I Clean My Peak Pro? A good rule of thumb is to thoroughly clean the Peak each time the battery fully depletes and needs to be recharged. The chamber itself should be soaked in ISO anytime you notice excess flooding or get a rainbow light response from the device.

Are all Puffco atomizers the same?

While there have been different iterations of the Peak atomizer since we’ve released the device, all functionality between the atomizers are the same. We’ve only implemented slight design changes to the casing of the atomizer over time in efforts of resolving some user error related issues such as flooding/leaking.

How long does a Peak Pro chamber last?

A fully charged Peak Pro battery should last about 30 heating cycles before needing to be recharged. Please keep in mind that using “Sesh Mode” often will deplete battery life quicker.

Can you soak Puffco atomizer in alcohol?

Yes, you can soak a Puffco peak atomizer. To do so, remove the atomizer from the battery and submerge it in a container of isopropyl alcohol for about 15 minutes. After soaking, rinse the atomizer with water and allow it to air dry.

How do you make a Puffco peak hit better?

Tips and Tricks to Get the Most from Your Puffco Peak

  1. Tip #1: Be careful not to overload it.
  2. Tip #2: Swab it after every hit.
  3. Tip #3: Handle with care.
  4. Tip #4: Don’t leave it running.
  5. Tip #5: For an optimal flavor experience, start slow.
  6. Tip #6: For a powerful punch ramp that sucker up.
  7. Tip # 7: Personalize your Peak.

How do I fix atomizer on Puffco Peak Pro?

Peak Pro

  1. Soak atomizer in 99% isopropyl alcohol to remove any oil from inside the atomizer.
  2. There is a wire welded on the bottom of the atomizer.
  3. Push the Puff Coil Repair pick in between the ceramic ring and the metal ring.
  4. You may need to move the pick in and out a couple times before you have a good lock on the ring.