What was the actual ending of Lost?
What was the actual ending of Lost?
After Kate, Sawyer, and Claire board the plane, Lapidus successfully gets it off the island. Jack leads Hurley and Ben back to the heart of the Island, where Jack convinces an emotional Hurley to take over as the protector of the island, stating Hurley was always meant to be the leader.
What was the twist at the end of Lost?
Well, in “The End,” the flash-sideways is revealed to be the afterlife, where all the Oceanic survivors are brought back together following their deaths. In a way, it is a sort of purgatory where they each have to make peace with the struggles of their lives before they can recognize one another and move on together.
Can you explain the end of Lost?
Essentially, it’s the netherworld the survivors have created to congregate to move on together in whatever comes in the future. Hence, it is shown that the characters have died but they were not dead after the plane crashed. In the later part, the scene depicts an afterlife build by the characters for themselves.
Why did people not like the Lost Ending?
The number one topic of contention that seemed to bother Lost fans during the epic finale was the lack of answers Lost offered in regards to The Island’s history and lore that audiences spent six years trying to unpack, such as the origins of the polar bears, the smoke monster and meaning of Hurley’s magic lotto …
What was the point of Lost?
On what the finale was all about: Carlton explained: “Very early on we had decided that even though Lost is a show about people on the island, really, metaphorically, it was about people who were lost and searching for meaning and purpose in their lives.
Was Jacob really in the cabin?
Jacob never resided in the cabin, it was always Jacob’s brother that lived there. He was trapped in the cabin by the ash laid around it. When Ilana arrived and noticed that this line of ash was broken, and that the man had likely escaped, she and the rest of the crew were fearful.