What does Unthoughtful mean?

not thoughtful
Definition of unthoughtful 1 : not thoughtful : lacking in thought a mechanical, unthoughtful process— W. H. Hale. 2 : thoughtless careless, unthoughtful behavior.

What’s another word for Unthoughtful?

In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unthoughtful, like: inconsiderate, thoughtless, disregardful, unthinking, unreflective, careful and courtesy.

What is the meaning of thoughtlessness?

1 : lacking concern for others : inconsiderate rude and thoughtless behavior a thoughtless remark. 2a : insufficiently alert : careless. b : reckless, rash thoughtless actions. 3 : devoid of thought : insensate. Other Words from thoughtless Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About thoughtless.

Is Unthoughtful a real word?

Devoid of consideration for others’ feelings: disregardful, inconsiderate, thoughtless, unthinking.

Is Disregardful a word?

Disregardful definition Inconsiderate, thoughtless, heedless, regardless.

What is the opposite of thoughtfulness?

Opposite of consideration or concern for others. superficiality. inconsiderateness. thoughtlessness. unthoughtfulness.

What does Disregardful mean?

Inconsiderate, thoughtless
Disregardful definition Inconsiderate, thoughtless, heedless, regardless. adjective.

Is unthought out a word?

simple past tense and past participle of unthink. not thought; not framed in a thought or thoughts: an unthought advantage. not expected; not anticipated (often followed by of): an unthought-of place to find the key. QUIZ YOURSELF ON “ITS” VS.

How do I get to thoughtlessness?

Instead of waiting for the thoughts to tire and stop, if we stop giving momentum to them, they stop and we become thoughtless. This is the best way to make the mind thoughtless because it is out of awareness, intentional and done with understanding.

How do you use thoughtlessness in a sentence?

1. Richard was anxious to atone for his thoughtlessness. 2. I was hurt by her thoughtlessness.

Is thoughtful a character trait?

These characters are usually portrayed as people to whom thoughtfulness comes naturally, when in reality, being unselfish requires work. Make your character real by showing her struggles to be selfless.

Are kind and thoughtful the same?

A kind person gives you the impression of caring a little more than just being polite, as you would with a nice stranger or acquaintance; a thoughtful person leaves you with a sense of having a deeper bond and connection, who puts him or herself in your shoes and tries more to put meaningful actions behind kind words.