Why is one of my DRL not working?

If One DRL Is Working, Check the Bulb, Socket, and Switch If only one daytime running light is not working, it most likely has a burnt out bulb or a bad switch. Remove the socket from the light and see if the bulb is dark or if the filament is burned out, which means it needs to be replaced.

What relay is DRL?

Daytime Running Light Relay – DRL Relays.

What is an SRS fuse?

The car’s onboard computer will turn on the Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Warning Light if the system will not operate properly or operate outside of intentions. This system is designed to deploy air bags and tighten seat belts when the computer determines the car is in an accident.

How much is a DRL relay?

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Is it safe to remove airbag fuse?

So, by removing the fuse for the airbag or the entire SRS, you are disabling the pre-tensioners. That means that you are jeopardizing your own safety. That’s why, if it is possible, do not disable the airbags entirely, especially if they share the same circuit as the pre-tensioners.

Is there a fuse for the headlights?

Like all electrical systems, the headlights in your vehicle have a fuse in the circuit to prevent too much electricity from reaching the bulb. There will also be a headlight relay that switches power from the low beams to the high beams. If the fuse goes bad, you likely won’t have any headlights at all.