Can you continue the civil war after Season Unending?

season unending is connected to the civil war but will not effect it much. you can still do it but depending on what you do in season unending it will be slightly different.

Can you fail Season Unending?

Season Unending is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Despite warnings about a dragon, the Jarl of Whiterun says that he cannot help with the effort to defeat it unless the Civil War is stopped. Only the Greybeards are in a position to hold a peace council.

Should I kick Elenwen out?

By kicking her out, you leave the Thalmor’s head justiciar at a disadvantage by postponing info; Elenwen won’t get to hear more info from Tullius or Ulfric, that can tend the war to end quicker. Plus, I think Thalmor out of Skyrim would make the dominion weaker than Thalmor in Skyrim.

How do you get the neutral ending in Skyrim?

Neutrality isn’t an option; the player will have to make a decision on whether the Imperials or Stormcloaks rule Skyrim if they wish to engage in the questline, meaning that players who don’t agree with either side will find themselves putting the kingdom’s future in the hands of the lesser of two evils.

Can you join Imperials after Season Unending?

You can and must do “Season Unending” regardless of whether you side with the Imperials or Stormcloaks and whether the Jarl is Balgruuf or Vignar has taken over.

What happens if you finish the civil war before main quest?

There’s one main quest which is rendered completely unnecessary if the player has completed Skyrim’s Civil War questline, because the quest itself revolves around brokering a brief peace between the warring factions.

Should I give Tullius Riften or Winterhold?

Give him Winterhold. Ulfric gets Markarth for the Silver, and pretty much everything else.

Is there a third option in the Skyrim civil war?

The civil war plotlines have no “third option”. You either side with the Stormcloaks and save Skyrim, side with the Imperials to control it for the elves, or stay out of it altogether. If you’re playing on PC, there are likely to be mods that allow this.

Can you do Season Unending after killing Ulfric?

Should I do main quest or civil war first?

This quest is known to occasionally break things such as questlines, jarls, guards and even just the war itself. If you have started both the Civil War and the Main Quest, you should finish the Civil War before the peace council quest.