What does ANL mean in fuses?

ANL Circuit Fuses ANL fuses are used for general cable protection, providing a ‘medium blow’ (around 1 second) protection. These ANL fuses all feature fixing holes suitable for 5/16″ studs and range from 50 amps to 500 amps. Fuse holders designed for ANL fuses are also available.

What is an ANL fuse holder?

ANL fuse holders are designed for the protection of high power circuits such as main battery feeds, amplifiers, inverters, and more. ANL fuse holders use high power ANL fuses with current ratings ranging from 80 amps up to 300 amps. Available in single and dual fuse configurations.

What is the difference between a mega fuse and a ANL fuse?

ANL fuses have a slightly larger interrupt capability than MEGA fuses, being in the range of 2.5 – 3kA. So these are also not recommended for use on large battery banks. The Class-T fuses are compatible with any DC system up to 125V.

What does ANL stand for?


Acronym Definition
ANL American National Life (insurance)
ANL Automatic Noise Limiter (radio communications)
ANL All Night Long
ANL Aliança Nacional Libertadora (Portuguese: National Liberation Alliance; Brazilian political group)

What size fuse do I need for a 1200 watt amp?

You should use at least a 100A fuse.

Are ANL fuses waterproof?

The FH-20 is a high current handling inline waterproof fuse holder that accepts one 0, 2, or 4 gauge in/output and is rated to handle up to 300 amps of current.

How far should fuse be from battery?

We suggest fuses be placed typically less than 10-15 cm (8 in) from a battery terminal, the closer the better.

What size is a mini ANL fuse?

The Mini ANL Fuses come in a 4-piece pack or a 10-piece bulk pack. They are available in 40A, 50A, 60A, & 80A sizes.

Are AMG and mega fuses the same?

Each are also suitable for Marine use, even in closed engine compartments, as they are Ignition Protected. AMG Fuses are made by Eaton (Cooper Bussman) and MEGA® Fuses are made by Littlefuse….AMG / MEGA Fuses.

Type Choose an option AMG MEGA
Size Choose an option 60A 80A 100A 125A 150A 200A 225A 250A 300A 400A Clear