What are Spanish tapas called?

A tapa (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈtapa]) is an appetizer or snack in Spanish cuisine. Tapas may be cold (such as mixed olives and cheese) or hot (such as chopitos, which are battered, fried baby squid, or patatas bravas).

What are tapas dishes called?


Name Description
Empanadillas Large or small turnovers filled with meats and vegetables
Ensaladilla rusa Literally, “(little) Russian salad”, this dish is made with mixed boiled vegetables with tuna, olives and mayonnaise
Fried cheese A tapas dish in Spain

What is a Spanish appetizers called?

Popular throughout Spain, tapas are festive and delicious appetizers and snacks. Traditional tapas include mixed olives, fried baby squid, meatballs and chorizo. Whether you’re craving briny seafood or crispy potatoes, these are our best tapas recipes.

What are tapas called in Barcelona?

They are also sometimes called ‘Montaditos’ (this is what they are called in Quimet y Quimet).

Why are Spanish tapas called tapas?

The word tapa means ‘lid’ and comes from the verb tapear, meaning ‘to cover’. Many people say that the custom of tapas came about when bar keepers began covering their customers’ drinks with a slice of bread, ham or cheese to stop flies and dust from entering.

Why are tapas called tapas?

What is a tapas menu?

Traditionally they are small savoury dishes, snacks or appetisers of Spanish cuisine. It might be breads and meat, or a selection of dishes from ham, stuffed mussels, fried squid, to olives, sautéed mushroom and other vegetables. Essentially, Tapas is a small plate or serving, and it’s a great way to try something new.

What are the 3 most popular tapas?

RANKED: Spain’s 10 most popular tapas dishes

  • Carrillada.
  • TASTY: Three different cuts of jamon.
  • Boquerones en vinagre.
  • Albondigas.
  • Patatas Bravas.
  • Croquetas.
  • Garbanzos with spinach.
  • Morcilla.