Why do my discus fish keep eating their eggs?
Why do my discus fish keep eating their eggs?
The reasoning behind this is, they do not want to waste energy taking care of a poor batch that has a very low survivability rate. It is better for them to eat the eggs and spawn again soon and hopefully have a good clutch of eggs that is worth raising. You can remove the eggs to a separate tank and see how many hatch.
Can I remove discus eggs?
Once the parents have spawned leave the eggs a couple of hours before removing them using a container. The eggs then need to be placed into a little tank filled with water from the other tank, it must be heated to the same temperature and either have a little sponge filter in it or just an air stone.
How do you protect discus eggs?
Add Methylene Blue – Adding Methylene Blue to your discus breeding tank after they’ve finished spawning will help protect the eggs from bacteria and fungus. Just remember that methylene blue will probably stain the silicon seals in your glass aquarium.
How many times do discus lay eggs?
When and if the discus spawn in this stage, they will lay eggs every week for up to fifteen weeks. This cycle usually occurs twice a year and can be rigged with careful adjustment of feeding, temperature and water conditions.
How long does it take for discus fish eggs to hatch?
or 4 days
Distinguishing Males from Females In most respects, Discus Fish spawn like angelfish. The eggs hatch in about 3 or 4 days, during which time the parents guard the eggs, fan them with their fins, and work them over with their mouths, cleaning them of fungus or any foreign objects that may befall them.
How do I know if my fish eggs are fertilized?
The fertilized will be light brown, sort of tea colored, and the two eyes become visible on them soon after. The unfertilized turn white. If the eggs are too crowded and/or not getting enough oxygen, they can get a white fungus, at which point they all start looking alike (not good).
Do discus fish eat their babies?
REASON #2 The Discus Pair has unfertilized eggs. In some occasions, the eggs are unfertilized and to protect the healthy eggs from diseases the Discus Pair will eat the unfertilized eggs. Note that, unfertilized eggs tend to be the cause of diseases in the tank.
What do you do with discus eggs?
Spawning usually takes place on a flat vertical surface, but many pairs choose to lay their eggs on a broad leaf plant such as an Amazon Sword. The eggs are fanned for three days before they hatch and the fry is then moved around the aquarium by the mouth of the parents many times for another 4 days.
How can you tell if discus eggs are fertilized?
If the eggs are infertile, they will turn white with fungus after a day or so. Fertilized discus eggs generally have a tan to orangish color. I wouldn’t toss in the towel yet on them being infertile. Freshly laid eggs will be clear for a little while.