When did interplanet Janet come out?
When did interplanet Janet come out?
1996Interplanet Janet / Released
Who is Planet Janet?
Janet Ivey-Duensing. Janet Ivey creator of Janet’s Planet is committed to enriching the lives of children via education and live performances, TV, and online programming. With over 25 years in the children’s entertainment and education, Janet has captivated Nashville and beyond with her work.
Which planet is not the part of inner solar system?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the planets closest to the Sun. They are called the inner planets. The inner planets are made up mostly of rock. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
What does Planet Janet mean?
For those who don’t know, Interplanet Janet is a galaxy girl. She’s kind of a rocket-woman hybrid creature who travels around the universe looking at planets. The song lyrics tell about some of her exploits including hanging out ON THE SURFACE OF THE SUN. So clearly she can handle serious heat and radiation exposure.
Does Mars have rings?
On June 2, 2020, scientists from SETI Institute and Purdue University showed evidence of Mars having its own rings a few billion years ago, which explains why Mars’ smallest moon, Deimos has an oddly tilted orbit.
What happened to Pluto in 2006 why did this happen?
Pluto was long considered our solar system’s ninth planet. Although small, it orbits the sun and has the spherical shape required to be considered a planet. Pluto was relegated in 2006 when the International Astronomical Union (IAU) created a new definition for planets and decided Pluto did not fit the bill.
Why can’t humans go to Venus?
Venus is not easy to visit. Its carbon-dioxide-rich atmosphere is 90 times as dense as ours, and surface temperatures average 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Its surface pressure is intense enough to crush some submarines. But that hasn’t stopped human space programs from trying.
Does Earth have a ring?
Although Earth doesn’t have a ring system today, it may have had one in the past. All gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) in the Solar System have rings, while the terrestrial ones (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) do not.