Is Preferability a word?

noun The quality or state of being preferable; preferableness.

Is it preferable or preferrable?

There’s only one way you can spell the adverb preferably. You can’t add another “f,” “r,” or “l”—there’s really no need to do it.

How do you use preferably?

1. The best treatment is antibiotics, preferably by injection. 2. Clean the car from the top, preferably with a hose and warm water.

Is Unpreferable a word?

Unpreferable definition Not preferable; undesirable.

What is a recommended?

1a : to present as worthy of acceptance or trial recommended the medicine. b : to endorse as fit, worthy, or competent recommends her for the position. 2 : entrust, commit recommended his soul to God. 3 : to make acceptable has other points to recommend it.

How do you spell prayerfully?

Prayerfully – definition of prayerfully by The Free Dictionary.

Is there a comma after preferably?

Compound Sentences with “preferably” A compound sentence with “preferably” contains at least two independent clauses. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon.

What does mean preferably?

by choice or preference
Definition of preferably : by choice or preference —used to indicate what is wanted or preferred The work should be done soon, preferably by the end of the week.

Do I put a comma after preferably?

A compound sentence with “preferably” contains at least two independent clauses. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon.

How do you spell each letter of the alphabet?

Phonetic Spelling Alphabet

  1. A – Alpha.
  2. B – Bravo.
  3. C – Charlie.
  4. D – Delta.
  5. E – Echo.
  6. F – Foxtrot.
  7. G – Golf.
  8. H – Hotel.

Is there an app for spell check?

Spell Check Pro application is the best for learning English words. When you enter wrong word then this spell checker will give suggestion to that wrong word. Free! Write, correct and enhance your text with Smart Spell Check Keyboard, the ultimate writing app for your Android device!