Which apartment has the best view in GTA Online?

Top 10 GTA Online Best Apartments To Own

  • It was an intense choice to make when it came to choosing the top 2; Weazel Plaza Apartment 70 is actually known to have better views than it’s upstairs competitor, Apartment 101.
  • Rightfully claiming its place as #1, this apartment is a popular favorite amongst players.

Which is the best high-end apartment in GTA Online?

Best Apartments in GTA Online, Ranked Good to Best (2022)

  • 4401 Procopio Drive. Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross.
  • 0115 Bay City Avenue, Apartment 45. Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross.
  • 140 Zancudo Avenue. Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross.
  • 4 Integrity Way, Apartment 28.

How do you change your point of view in GTA Online?

To switch between the first-person and third-person views in GTA V, press the touchpad (PS4) or the select button (Xbox One). On PC, pressing V will switch views.

How do you get a high-end apartment in GTA Online?

High-end apartments contain planning boards which are necessary to begin a heist, making them a necessary property in GTA Online. After a player reaches rank 5 in the game, they can purchase apartments from the Dynasty 8 website.

Which Eclipse apartment has the best view?

Eclipse Towers Penthouse 3, Tinsel Towers Apt 29 & Richards Majestic Apt 51 have great views..

Is maze Bank West a high end apartment?

Because of its relatively low cost along with the fact that it is across the street from the cheapest high-end apartment it is arguably one of the most congested areas in GTA Online.

Whats the difference between Eclipse apartments?

Only difference is the view. I got the 2nd most expensive cause its higher up. Had the Majestic apartment cause I liked the beach and vinewood sign view but the Eclipse one has perfect views of both. Really wanted the one over near the beach but I guess those views are terrible.