What are the top 10 oil-producing nations?

Top 10 Oil-producing Countries (Updated 2022)

  1. United States. Production: 18,875,000 bpd.
  2. Saudi Arabia. Production: 10,835,000 bpd.
  3. Russia. Production: 10,778,000 bpd.
  4. Canada. Production: 5,558,000 bpd.
  5. China. Production: 4,993,000 bpd.
  6. Iraq. Production: 4,149,000 bpd.
  7. United Arab Emirates. Production: 3,786,000 bpd.
  8. Brazil.

Which country produces most oil in the world?

United States
What countries are the top producers and consumers of oil?

Country Million barrels per day Share of world total
United States 18.88 20%
Saudi Arabia 10.84 11%
Russia 10.78 11%
Canada 5.54 6%

Which 3 countries are the top oil producers overall?

In recent history, the top three producers have been the United States, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. Each of these countries experienced major production declines at different times in the past, but since 2014 all three have been producing near their peak rates of 9 to 11 million barrels per day.

Which country has the cleanest oil?

Still, even in terms of the small amount of emissions that do come from production, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate claims Norway is doing things right. It produces, the argument goes, the cleanest oil and gas on the market.

What is the cleanest oil?

Of the oils analyzed, Tengiz offered the “cleanest,” least carbon-intensive petroleum. The Suncor Synthetic H oil pumped out of Canada, meanwhile, produced the most emissions—over 810 kilograms of carbon per barrel, compared with Tengiz’s 450 kg.

Which country has highest petrol?

Petrol prices in USD, EURO and INR

Rank Country Gasoline/Petrol Prices per liter
INR (₹)
1 Venezuela 1.93
2 Libya 2.48
3 Iran 3.95

What is the price of 1 litre petrol in Sri Lanka?

For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world for this period is 711.20 Sri Lanka Rupee….Sri Lanka Gasoline prices, 30-May-2022.

Sri Lanka Gasoline prices Litre Gallon
USD 1.233 4.667
EUR 1.144 4.331