What happened to sit and go on PokerStars?

The operator stated that a number of sit and go tournaments were been removed “due to a lack of liquidity.” “Our poker room management team continually monitors all of our cash games and various tournament poker formats and tries to keep liquidity levels as high as possible,” the site wrote in its blog post.

How does leaderboard work on PokerStars?

Leader Board points are awarded by adding the value of both hole cards together. Picture cards have the following values: J is 11, Q is 12, K is 13, and A is 14 points.

How do spin and Go leaderboards work?

Here’s how it works: Play 10 or 30 Spin & Go’s with the same buy-in in a day – see below. Players are allowed up to three attempts per day per Leader Board. You can also choose to play in multiple Leader Boards in a single day and potentially win up to eight prizes.

How do I see my PokerStars stats?

Our software offers a feature to request your statistics for your real money cash games up to your last 2,000 hands….To request a report of your statistics, go to the main lobby screen and select:

  1. Tools.
  2. History & Stats.
  3. Get Statistics.

What is sit and go PokerStars VR?

For those who want to spend real money then PokerStars VR is one of the better-known titles. And this week saw a new update launch adding several new features. The biggest requested inclusion by fans was Sit & Go tournaments which is a one table tournament where you have a set number of chips.

Is spin and Go profitable?

Currently Spin & Gos have an incredible rec-to-regular ratio. More often than not you’ll have two weak players at your table and that’s why the Spin & Gos are profitable. As long as you’re not the fish, of course.

How do I find my PokerStars tournament history?

Tap on the ‘Account’ button to launch the Account panel. Select ‘History’ then ‘Tournament History’….Go to the main lobby and select the following options:

  1. Tools.
  2. History & Stats.
  3. Get Tournament History.

How do I get my PokerStars hand history?

Hand histories are easy to find in the PokerStars client. First, click on “Settings” over on the right side of the main lobby. Then look down the list on the left and click “Playing History.” You will see two items appear, “Hand History” and “Tournament Summaries.”

Is PokerStars VR real money?

It’s free to download and the games are just for play money. PokerStars VR is still not available for real money play, and the company has no plans to launch real money cash games or tournaments any time soon.