What is the synonym for knave?

1. Knave, rascal, rogue, scoundrel are disparaging terms applied to persons considered base, dishonest, or worthless.

What is the synonym of scurvy?

Some common synonyms of scurvy are contemptible, despicable, pitiable, and sorry. While all these words mean “arousing or deserving scorn,” scurvy adds to despicable an implication of arousing disgust.

What does it mean knave?

a tricky deceitful fellow
Definition of knave 1 : a tricky deceitful fellow. 2 : jack sense 2a. 3 archaic. a : a boy servant. b : a male servant.

What is the antonym of knave?

Opposite of an unkind, evil or unscrupulous person. angel. gentleman. humanitarian. hero.

What is the meaning of a Spalpeen?

itinerant seasonal labourer a rascal
spalpeen. / (ˈspælpiːn) / noun Irish. an itinerant seasonal labourer. a rascal or layabout.

What is the opposite of blunt blunt?

Opposite of having an edge or point that is not sharp. sharp. keen. pointed. cutting.

What’s the opposite of scurvy?

What is the opposite of scurvy?

generous lavish
spendthrift uneconomical

What is Moeller’s disease?

Moeller’s disease (uncountable) (medicine) The disease scurvy, especially in infants.

What does scurvy knave mean in Romeo and Juliet?

used in Romeo and Juliet. 2 uses. a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency; symptoms include spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from all mucous membranes. Scurvy knave!

What does knave and nave mean?

unprincipled, dishonest person; villain. Not to be confused with: nave – the center part of a church.

How do you use knave in a sentence?

Knave in a Sentence ?

  1. The knave volunteered to clean the church so he could have access to the petty cash box.
  2. After the knave stole the king’s crown, he was arrested and placed in the dungeon.
  3. The knave and his conspirators are plotting to rob the bank.

What is a Sleeveen?

/ (ˈsliːviːn) / noun. Irish a sly obsequious smooth-tongued person.