What is the difference between a Swiss roll and a jelly roll?

Americans typically refer to rolled cakes as jelly rolls, while British bakers refer to rolled cakes as Swiss rolls. In Switzerland, people use the French name for rolled meats and pastries, roulade.

Should you roll a Swiss roll hot or cold?

It’s important that the cake is warm so it can set in the right shape. If it’s too cold, it won’t roll properly. Once rolled, leave it to cool completely. When you’re ready to fill, unroll the cake very carefully, slowly flattening it again.

Why has my Swiss roll not risen?

Cake that has risen unevenly. Sponge mixture has not been evenly spread out in the tin before baking….

Faults Reason How to avoid
Swiss roll that crack when rolled Baked for too long Time cooking exactly.

Why is a Swiss roll so called?

The origins of the term are unclear; in spite of the name “Swiss roll”, the cake is believed to have originated elsewhere in Central Europe, possibly Austria or Slovenia. It appears to have been invented in the nineteenth century, along with Battenberg cake, doughnuts, and Victoria sponge.

Which way should you roll a Swiss roll?

  1. ROLLING A SWISS ROLL. Always roll it up straight from the oven while it’s still pliable.
  2. FILLING A SWISS ROLL. Don’t overdo the filling or it will be harder to roll up and get a neat finish.

How do I stop my Swiss roll from cracking?


  1. Baking temperature.
  2. Don’t preroll the cake when the cake is still very warm.
  3. Spread filling and roll the cake after cooling it down for 5-6 minutes.
  4. DO NOT store the rolled cake wrapped in parchment paper/waxed paper.

Can you use a baking tray for Swiss roll?

For Swiss roll success, you need a tin as good as this one. Exceptionally non-stick, so it’s easy to remove your delicate sponge ready for rolling, it can also be used as a baking tray.

How do you roll the perfect Swiss roll?

Points to remember Score a line along the bottom of the sponge, approximately 2.5cm away from the edge. Don’t cut all the way through. Using the line scored, roll the sponge up tightly and leave to cool completely. When the sponge is cool, unroll it gently.