What essential oil is best for a sore throat?
What essential oil is best for a sore throat?
Ten essential oils for a sore throat
- Peppermint. Share on Pinterest Peppermint has antimicrobial properties that help treat a sore throat.
- Lavender. A review in 2005 suggested that lavender has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
- Echinacea.
- Eucalyptus.
- Ginger.
- Lemon.
- Thyme.
- Bitter orange.
How do you use peppermint oil for sore throat?
Add a single drop of essential oil to a bowl filled with very hot (but not quite boiling) water. Drape a towel over your head, close your eyes, and lean in close to the bowl and breathe. You can also choose to inhale the steam without a towel if that is too intense for you.
What can instantly cure a sore throat?
6 home remedies to get rid of a sore throat
- Warm and cold fluids. Sip on warm drinks, like tea or chicken soup.
- Gargling. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt — or a similar amount of baking soda — in a glass of warm water.
- Over-the-counter antihistamines and pain relievers.
- Steam and humidity.
- Hot toddy.
- Rest.
What can I diffuse for a cough and sore throat?
Some essential oils may ease symptoms of a cough or cold by soothing the throat, fighting bacteria, and reducing inflammation. Research has shown that using a nasal spray containing a blend of eucalyptus, peppermint, oregano, and rosemary extracts can improve a sore throat, hoarseness, and other cough-related symptoms.
How do you use lavender oil for sore throat?
Once you’ve chosen an essential oil, there are several ways to use it for a sore throat: Steam inhalation: Add up to 7 drops of essential oil to 2 cups of boiling water; cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam through your nose. Keep your eyes closed to prevent eye irritation.
Is tea tree oil good for sore throats?
Sore Throat Soother Add a drop of tea tree oil to your salt water gargle for a sore throat. The salt will draw out some of the excess water in your sore mucous membranes which leads to discomfort, and then the tea tree oil can help with some of the inflammation as well as prevent infection.
Is peppermint good for sore throat?
PEPPERMINT Sucking on a peppermint candy or drinking peppermint tea can also ease a sore throat. Peppermint has been proven to have antibacterial and antiviral properties, meaning it is good at aiding healing. Many cough drops are made with peppermint, which also includes menthol for helping to break up mucus.