What is non-expendable property?

Non-expendable Property – Property which ordinarily retains its original identity during use, has a unit acquisition value of $1,000 or more; and a life expectancy of two years or more. (Examples: furniture, pool table, television.)

What is non-expendable equipment?

2 Non-expendable equipment. This category of equipment includes all items that have long-term usage. Examples include vehicles, communication equipment, computers, electrical equipment, mechanical equipment, office and field equipment, and furniture.

What is expandable property?

Examples of Expendable property in a sentence Expendable property is movable property whose acquisition cost or value is below the threshold defined in paragraph 6.14(c)(1) by the Secretary-General per unit.

What is non-expendable property usaid?

(Non-expendable property is property which is complete in itself, does not lose its identity or become a component part of another article when put into use; is durable, with an expected service life of two years or more; and which has a unit cost of $500 of more.)

What does non-expendable mean?

Definition of nonexpendable : not expendable: such as. a : not able to be easily replaced nonexpendable personnel. b : not normally used up or consumed in service nonexpendable equipment/supplies.

What is the difference between expendable and non-expendable resources?

An expendable trust is a trust whose resources, both principal and earnings, may be expended for authorized purposes. A nonexpendable trust is a trust that stipulates that earnings and not the principal may be spent.

What is the difference between expendable and Nonexpendable supplies?

One very basic way to look at it is this: If you throw it away after use, it is expendable. If you clean it and use it again after use, it is non-expendable.

Are laptops considered government furnished property?

All mobile Information Technology (IT) equipment, including but not limited to, mobile phones (e.g. smartphones), laptops, tablets, and encrypted devices provided as government furnished property, title to which vests in the U.S. Government, are considered accountable personal property.

What is contractor acquired property?

Contractor-acquired property means property acquired, fabricated, or otherwise provided by the Contractor for performing a contract, and to which the Government has title.

What is the difference between expendable and Nonexpendable?

What does it mean to be expandable?

able to expand or be expanded
Definitions of expandable. adjective. able to expand or be expanded. synonyms: expandible, expansible expansive. able or tending to expand or characterized by expansion.

What is the expandable and non expandable?
