What is liquefy mean?

Definition of liquefy transitive verb. : to reduce to a liquid state. intransitive verb. : to become liquid.

Is EMB defined or undefined?

Eosin methylene blue agar (EMB) is an undefined medium. EMB is a complex medium consisting of peptone, dipotassium phosphate, lactose, eosin Y (dye),…

Is MacConkey Agar defined or undefined?

Is MacConkey agar a defined or an undefined medium? Provide the reasoning behind your choice and explain why this formulation is desirable. It is undefined due to the pancreatic digests of gelatin and casein, peptic digest of animal tissue, and bile salts in the medium.

Are Uninoculated controls positive or negative?

Were the uninoculated controls in this lab positive or negative, and what purpose did they serve? The controls were negative, and served as color comparison for experimental tubes as well as verification for media sterility.

How do you use liquify?

To distort the image in Photoshop, follow these steps:

  1. Select the layer to distort.
  2. Click “Filter” and select “Liquify.”
  3. Free any areas of the layer you do not want to alter.
  4. Choose any of the Liquify tools listed above to make the desired distortion.
  5. Click “OK” to close the dialog box and apply the distortion.

What is the synonym of liquefy?

dissolve. verbmelt from solid to liquid; mix in. defront. deliquesce. diffuse.

What is the purpose of EMB?

EMB agar is used in water quality tests to distinguish coliforms and fecal coliforms that signal possible pathogenic microorganism contamination in water samples.

Is EMB agar defined?

Eosin methylene blue agar (EMB) is a selective and differential medium used to isolate fecal coliforms. Eosin Y and methylene blue are pH indicator dyes which combine to form a dark purple precipitate at low pH; they also serve to inhibit the growth of most Gram positive organisms.

Is MacConkey agar selective or differential?

MacConkey agar is an example of a medium that is both differential and selective. The presence of bile salts, as well as crystal violet, within the media prevent gram-positive organisms from growing.

Is MacConkey agar Mac selective and/or differential?

MacConkey Agar (MAC) is a selective and differential medium designed to isolate and differentiate enterics based on their ability to ferment lactose. Bile salts and crystal violet inhibit the growth of Gram positive organisms. Lactose provides a source of fermentable carbohydrate, allowing for differentiation.

What information is provided by the uninoculated control?

5-8 what information is provided by the uninoculated control? it demonstrates that no ingredients in the medium produces a positive result at any stage of testing.

Why is it important to use the uninoculated controls for each medium?

Why is it important to use the uninoculated controls for each medium to serve as the standard for scoring a 0 in their respective tubes? The uninoculated controls should be the standard for scoring a 0 because it represents absolutely no growth. This creates a standard of no growth comparison.