What college sports have the most injuries?

Football had the highest injury rates for both practices (9.6 injuries per 1000 A-Es) and games (35.9 injuries per 1000 A-Es), whereas men’s baseball had the lowest rate in practice (1.9 injuries per 1000 A-Es) and women’s softball had the lowest rate in games (4.3 injuries per 1000 A-Es).

What is the injury rate for NCAA?

Exposure and injury data collected in the NCAA Injury Surveillance Program were analyzed. Injury counts, rates, and proportions were used to describe injury characteristics, and injury rate ratios were used to examine differential injury rates. The overall injury rate was 9.31 per 1000 athlete-exposures.

What female sport has the most injuries?

1. Girls Basketball. According to a study by Web MD, over a 10-year gap, Traumatic Brain Injuries have increased by 70 percent for the sport.

Is soccer the most injury prone sport?

Every year over 1 million high school and college age people have a sports related injury. Basketball, football and bicycling most common sports injuries among 15 to 24 year olds….Most common sports for sports injuries.

Sport Total injuries
Football 168,911
Soccer 89,235
Bicycle riding 88,150
Exercise 78,320

Which sport has more injuries football or soccer?

The rates of game injuries were highest in football (35.9/1000 AEs), followed by men’s soccer (18.8/1000 AEs), women’s soccer (16.4/1000 AEs), men’s basketball (9.9/1000 AEs), and women’s basketball (7.7/1000 AEs).

What sport has the least number of injuries?

Swimming is the safest sport to take part in. Its easy on the joints and can be an aid in recovery after an injury so making it the safest sport in America. A study by researchers at The University of Colorado Denver lead by PhD. R.

What is the hardest sport for a girl?

The 5 most dangerous sports for girls

  • Basketball. Is your little girl shooting to be the next Lisa Leslie or Candace Parker?
  • Cheerleading. Here’s something not to cheer about: Cheerleading accidents account for 65 percent of all catastrophic injuries in girls’ high school athletics.
  • Horseback riding.
  • Soccer.
  • Field hockey.