What voltage is NiChrome wire?

As it turns out, the voltage requirement for 18″ of nichrome wire at 800F is 10.4 volts so instead of a 24 volt output transformer, a 12 volt output, 50 Watt transformer can be used.

What kind of wire do you use for a hot wire foam cutter?

NiChrome Wire
NiChrome Wire (NiCr) is the optimal cutting wire choice for Foam cutting equipment for a variety of reasons, but particularly because it is resistant against corrosion and oxidation at very high temperature. The NiChrome cutting wire reaches the temperature of a few hundred Celcius degrees in few seconds.

How many volts do I need for a foam cutter?

A good way to go is a 12V or 24V transformer from All Electronics.com on a dimmer. 12 volts is probably sufficient for up to a couple of feet. 24 is preferred for big stuff. (You need the same amps either way, but more volts for longer wires.

How hot can nichrome wire get?

The Type A Nichrome Wire has a high temperature range up to 1150°C or 2100°F.

How hot does Nichrome wire get at 12V?

Assuming that you are using Nichrome 60 (Chromel C) wire (42.2Ω/ft), then your nichrome wire length should be ~22.4cm or 8.8″ and it should produce a wire temp of ~293°C or ~560°F @ ~12V & ~.

Is Nichrome wire toxic?

General Measures: Under normal handling and use, exposure to solid forms of this material present few health hazards. Subsequent operations such as grinding, melting or welding may produce potentially hazardous dust or fumes which can be inhaled or come in contact with the skin or eyes.

What is the α value of nichrome?

For nichrome, α is often given as a constant ≈ 0.00017 °Cˉ¹. The α for nichrome is much lower than that for most common metals. For example, the α of copper is 24 times that of nichrome. The α for nichrome is not just low relative to other metals; it is a very small value in absolute terms.

What is a Variac and how does it work?

A variac is a vary simple device to use. It’s purpose is to raise or lower the voltage that enters it. Example: If your input voltage is too low – say 105 volts AC, you can just dial it up to the desired voltage, like 120 volts.

What is the resistance of nichrome?

Like all conductors nichrome’s resistance varies with its temperature. Where α is the temperature coefficient of resistivity, Rₒ is the resistance at the reference temperature, Tₒ, which is usually 20°C. For nichrome, α is often given as a constant ≈ 0.00017 °Cˉ¹. The α for nichrome is much lower than that for most common metals.

What are the different types of nichrome?

Varieties of nichrome are available with different proportions of nickel and chromium as well as small amounts of other elements. The more common varieties are nichrome-80 (most common) and nichrome-60 which are approximately 80% and 60% nickel, respectively.